Best Water Damage Restoration Services in Irvine

No one wants to think about sewage damage, but it does happen. Although we don’t know the extent of your own knowledge on this topic, you can never be too prepared for a potential disaster. This blog post will outline what you need to do if you have been unfortunate enough to suffer from sewage water damage. We’ll also give tips on how to prevent this type of situation from happening in the first place!

Why sewage damage cleanup is important!

What makes sewage water different from typical water? For one, it contains a whole slew of nasty germs. While we all have some bacteria in our bodies, the amount that comes out of a sewer is not something that you want to be exposed to. Sewage is also toxic due to the chemicals and waste contained within it. 

Sewage water damage is also more difficult to clean and repair because this type of liquid cannot be readily absorbed into paper towels or rags like regular water.

Sewage remediation isn’t as simple as just finding a cleaner or using some bleach and hoping for the best. Proper training, experience, and equipment are needed in order to ensure a high-quality job that is both safe and effective. Simply cleaning the area will not effectively remove all of the bacteria, viruses, or chemicals present. In fact, dangerous contaminants could actually be spread around to other areas of your home!

How to identify sewage damage in your home

Any water damage from your toilet, sink, or drain can potentially be sewage water. There are a few tell-tale signs that you need to look for if you think your home has been exposed to sewage water.

For starters, there is going to be a pungent smell that comes from the exposure site. While you may not notice it right away, chances are that other people will start noticing it and comment on how foul the smell is. There will also be dirty brown or red water running from the source of the contamination.

It’s also a good idea to check your clothes for any stains or color that is not characteristic to your regular laundry detergent. These could simply be residual signs of sewage exposure, so it’s important that you’re vigilant in checking for them!

How to remove sewage damage from your home?

Removing the sewage water from your home is going to be a difficult process. You’re not simply just going to mop it up and leave it at that. 

Step 1: Identify the source

The first step in removing sewage damage is finding out where the exposure came from. Any body of water that is found outside your home, such as a pool or creek, needs to be identified and shut off immediately. The same goes for any plumbing in your home that has been damaged by sewage al

Step 2: Remove contaminated items

Contaminated items are going to need to be removed from the area and thrown away. The longer that contaminated items sit, the more likely they are to spread the harmful bacteria and chemicals around your home.

Step 3: Clean up as much water as possible

Try using towels or paper towels to soak up as much of the water from the site as you can. This will prevent any more damage if there is a chance that some of the water may be able to seep into the floorboards or drywall. 

Step 4: Remove any remaining water from your property

If you know for sure that there is no more water in your home, disinfecting/sanitizing the area will need to happen next. Use a disinfectant spray or bleach and clean the area thoroughly.

Step 5: Clean and dry contaminated walls, floors, and other surfaces

All of the surfaces in your home should be sanitized using a disinfectant spray or bleach solution. These areas will need to air-dry before you start repairing them.  Be sure that all of your household items are completely clean and free of any germs. Otherwise, you are just going to be spreading the danger around!

Step 6: Repair and rebuild the area

The last step is repairing and rebuilding the damaged area of your home. As mentioned previously, sewage water can cause a lot of damage if it’s not taken care of properly. It could seep into your floorboards or drywall, requiring you to replace the entire surface of your home.

If you are experiencing sewage damage in your home, it is important that you call a professional for assistance as soon as possible! Attempting to clean this up yourself could be very dangerous and lead to further contamination.

Tips on preventing future sewer problems at home

There are a few things you can do in order to prevent sewer problems and other damage, like what is described above.

  • The first thing is that you need to make sure all of your drains are cleaned regularly. This will prevent gunk from building up and causing clogs down the road.
  • The second thing is making sure your yard has proper drainage so that water is directed away from your home. If water is allowed to remain in the soil around your home, you will have a higher chance of being exposed to feces that could contain E. coli and other harmful bacteria.
  • The third thing you can do is have a professional come out and perform a drain cleaning service . This will help prevent obstructions from happening in your home’s drain system, which could be costly or dangerous if not treated promptly.
  • One last but very important thing is to stay safe. If you think that there may be contaminants in the water, please avoid entering or being near the contaminated area. Exposure can cause severe sickness and disease, so it is important to take proper precautions!

Sewage damage is serious business. If you think that your home has been exposed, it is important that you reach out to trained professionals for assistance.  The last thing you want to do is try and clean it up yourself. This may spread the disease and bacteria around your home, potentially causing more damage. Contact Professional Company to help you with your sewage damage cleanup today!

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